Wednesday, 30 March 2011

SWET1 & Prezi

" #softwaretesting #testing #SWET1 #SWET2 "

It's just over a week now until the next SWET (Swedish Workshop on Exploratory Testing) peer conference in Gothenburg.

It looks like it will be a good grouping of people, abstracts, discussion and lightning talks. I'm really looking forward to it.

I thought I'd experiment with Prezi to do an experience report from it. To get a feel of the tool I took SWET#1 as a starting point. Of course, it's a presentation - so you miss a deal without the "presentation part" - and it's quite basic, but captures some of the salient points.

My Prezi re-cap from SWET#1 is here.

Look out for the #SWET2 hashtag in 9-10 days time, with reports afterwards.

Feedback welcome!


  1. Looking forward to it Simon. It would be fantastic for the community if someone could video this and share the highlights.

  2. Hi Darren,
    Not sure about videoing - it's going to be in Swedish also ;) - we'll see...

  3. That could prove quite tricky then :-)

    I'm happy to read about it via your blog and other participants write ups.

    And Twitter, what a useful tool that proves for these events.
