" #softwaretesting #testing #LetsTest "
Let's Test 2012, 7-9 May, Runö Conference Centre, north of Stockholm
Site: http://lets-test.com/
Five guys got together and formed a committee to organise a test conference. Not just any five guys, and not just any test conference!
Henrik Andersson, Henrik Emilsson, Jonas Jonasson, Ola Hytén and Torbjörn Ryber are the organisers. I know them from SWET1, SWET2 & SWET3 - they don't just know testing, they talk a lot about things you see in "good testing".
They got together and it looks like they've put together a special conference. Three days of tutorials, keynotes, talks, test lab and more. The concept of having the conference and accommodation all in one place - a peninsula in an archipelago just north of Stockholm (of all cool places!) - makes it into an extended, and pretty special, peer conference.
Peer conference: with the emphasis on meeting peers and having contact with them for the whole three days. Conference with the emphasis on conferring! Cool concept, cool location, cool set-up -> cool conference.
Oh, what else is special about this? It's being called the first European context-driven test conference. Some people get scared or worried by the idea of "context-driven testing", but come on: isn't that just a declaration of doing appropriate testing - with your "eyes wide open", brain in gear and eliciting valuable information about the product(?) - yes, it's difficult to do well, you have to work at it and continue to learn.
So, if you like learning, are partial to good discussion and want to meet like-minded people then I think this is a very interesting conference to attend.
A test conference, by testers for testers - pretty special!
Oh, and there's one week left for submissions (call for papers closes 13 December).
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